Testing background-audio questions

When you need to test background-audio locally, the best way is to create fake submission instead of emulating Collect app.

Things to do:

  1. Enable anonymous submissions for your project
  2. Make a submission to your project with Enketo, and then get the XML for that submission from the API, e.g.
  3. Delete your submission :)
  4. Edit the XML to change <background-audio/> to include a filename, e.g. <background-audio>voiceover.ogg</background-audio>
  5. Save your XML file as submission.xml
  6. Submit your XML—and include the audio file, why not? Make sure you send your request to http://your-kc-host/YOUR-USERNAME/submission. Example sending voiceover.ogg:
    curl -v -X POST -F xml_submission_file=@submission.xml -F voiceover.ogg=@voiceover.ogg http://kc.kobo.local:8999/aa/submission

Your submission.xml would look like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<arSQTmJnTXn5vMvDpiwypb xmlns:jr="http://openrosa.org/javarosa" xmlns:orx="http://openrosa.org/xforms" id="arSQTmJnTXn5vMvDpiwypb" version="1 (2024-05-10 22:12:00)">
  <just_some_text>here's your text</just_some_text>

You should see <message>Successful submission.</message> in the response from curl, and, of course, have a nice, playable background audio file in KPI now :)